Translation for "were still in" to italian
Translation examples
His wallet and mobile phone were still in it.
Il suo portafogli e il cellulare erano ancora dentro.
Two bodies that were still in the car were covered in bites and slashes.
Due corpi che erano ancora dentro il veicolo erano ricoperti di morsi e graffi.
Your socks were still in it. I had to throw it away.
C'erano ancora dentro i tuoi calzini, l'ho dovuta buttare via.
British National Crime Agency and Interpol both thought the fugitives were still in Europe. Oops.
Britannico National Crime Agency e Interpol entrambi pensavano che i fuggitivi erano ancora in Europa.
When you had young kids, and they were still in the house, did you have a hard time, like... you know... ♪ Bow chicka wow wow?
Quando avevate i bambini piccoli ed erano ancora in casa, avevate difficolta', tipo... sapete...
Couple of months ago, the folks discovered That they were still in touch.
Un paio di mesi fa hanno scoperto che erano ancora in contatto.
They were still in the house.
Erano ancora in casa.
I went back to the ex-boyfriend to see if they were still in touch and he barely remembers her.
Sono andata dall'ex ragazzo per vedere se erano ancora in contatto e se la ricorda a malapena. Una cosa senza importanza.
So they were still in contact.
Quindi erano ancora in contatto.
This is where they wheeled in patients whose minds were still in flux from the ECT sessions.
Qui è dove portavano i pazienti le cui menti erano ancora in fase di cambiamento dopo le sedute di ECT.
How many Jews were still in Germany in 1943?
Quanti ebrei c'erano ancora in Germania nel quarantatre?
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