Translation for "were mine" to italian
Translation examples
Because those were mine.
Perche' erano miei.
- They were mine.
- Quei due erano miei.
The tickets were mine.
I biglietti erano miei.
Three of them were mine.
{\be0.3}Tre dei quali erano miei.
- No, these were mine.
No, questi erano miei.
Two of them were mine.
Due di loro erano miei.
The last two were mine.
Gli ultimi due erano miei.
- Never were mine. - Okay.
- Non erano miei.
These were mine.
Questi erano miei.
No, I left because you didn't look anything like me and I have Regina telling me over and over that you were mine, and I thought...
No... me ne sono andato perche'... tu non mi somigliavi per niente, e... Regina continuava a ripetermi che eri mia figlia, ed io... pensavo che mentisse.
Well, that's 'cause I was yours and you were mine.
Beh, perche'... - Io ero tuo e tu eri mia.
I just wanted the guys to know you were mine.
Volevo solo far sapere agli altri uomini che eri mia.
You were mine by then.
Eri mia, ormai.
- from the beginning... - Or if I would've told Kristin you were mine when I brought you home.
O se io avessi detto a Kristin che eri mia, quando ti ho portata a casa.
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