Translation for "were in contact" to italian
Were in contact
Translation examples
Cabe said that there were several calls to Lucky's management, so they were in contact.
Cabe ha detto che ci sono state diverse chiamate all'impresa di Lucky, percio' erano in contatto.
We believe the person that shot Luca also killed Eric Mercer to cover their tracks, which means the shooter knew that the two of them were in contact.
Crediamo che la persona che ha sparato a Luca abbia anche ucciso Eric Mercer per coprire le tracce, il che significa che sapeva che i due erano in contatto.
And both the victims were in contact with each other.
Entrambe le vittime erano in contatto tra di loro.
Were you aware that all four victims were in contact with Carl Landers from this site?
Sapeva che tutte e 4 le vittime erano in contatto con Carl Landers tramite il sito?
Or worse-- they were in contact with Omicron.
O peggio - erano in contatto con la Omicron.
We have three dead who were in contact with Yolanda.
Abbiamo tre morti, che erano in contatto con Yolanda.
All three victims were in contact with each other, comparing notes. We know this from their phone records.
Tutte e tre le vittime erano in contatto tra loro confrontando cio' che sappiamo con i tabulati telefonici.
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