Translation for "were fine" to italian
Translation examples
- What happened next? - Things were fine.
- Le cose andavano bene.
Sure, they were fine for their day.
Certo, andavano bene per i loro tempi...
His tests, they were fine.
I suoi esami, andavano bene.
Things were fine the way they were.
Le cose andavano bene cosi' com'erano.
Things were fine before I left.
Le cose andavano bene prima che mi assentassi.
Things were fine before Pushok showed up.
Le cose andavano bene prima che Pushok si presentasse.
The pies were fine.
Le torte andavano bene.
And I liked my life with Sam. Things were fine.
Ma le cose andavano bene con Sam.
Things were fine when Neal was little.
Quando Neal era piccolo le cose andavano bene.
But your P.E.F. Levels were fine when you stayed here overnight.
Ma i livelli del flusso respiratorio dell'altra notte erano soddisfacenti.
Did Mette say they were fine?
- Mette ha scritto che erano soddisfacenti? - Sì.
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