Translation for "were doctors" to italian
Translation examples
There were doctors, teachers, obstetricians among the Jews.
C'erano dottori, maestri e ostetriche fra quegli ebrei.
After Stan raped me, there were doctors and psychiatrists and social workers, and they all said I imagined the whole thing.
Dopo che Stan mi ha stuprata, c'erano dottori e psichiatri e assistenti sociali, e hanno tutti detto che mi ero immaginata tutto.
All of the members of this team were doctors recruited by the CIA and trained at a secret camp in Langley, Virginia.
I membri della squadra erano medici reclutati dalla cia... e addestrati in una base segreta a langley. In virginia.
Parents were doctors, died in Indo-China.
! Genitori erano medici, morti in Indocina.
Your parents were doctors who developed vaccines against bio-weapons.
I suoi genitori erano medici e svilupparono dei vaccini contro le armi biologiche.
Miss Yuki's parents were doctors.
I genitori della signorina Yuki erano medici.
My parents were doctors. Humans.
I miei genitori erano medici.
Both our fathers were doctors we both loved jazz, and, of course, we both came to Hollywood to make movies.
Entrambi i nostri padri erano medici... Entrambi amavamo il jazz... E ovviamente entrambi eravamo andati ad Hollywood per realizzare dei film.
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