Translation for "went into" to italian
Translation examples
He went into the hallway.
Andò in corridoio.
Instead, he went into heart failure.
Invece, andò in insufficienza cardiaca.
Police officer, and he went into a bar one day
A Monte Santo, e un giorno andò in un bar
Jesus went into the cave, and he arose three days later.
Gesù andò in una grotta e resuscitò tre giorni dopo.
I think that "Annie" is Annie Blackburn, a... a girl that went into that place.
Penso che quella "Annie" sia Annie Blackburn, una... una ragazza che andò in quel luogo.
He went into the city and bought a very unusual object .
Andò in città e comprò un oggetto alquanto inusuale.
So she went into DC a lot?
Così andò in DC molto?
Then she went into the bathroom and locked the door.
Poi andò in bagno e si chiuse dentro.
After my brother went into remission, yeah.
Quando mio fratello andò in remissione, si.
I went into exile.
Sono andato in esilio.
He went into asystole.
E' andato in asistolia.
He went into town.
E' andato in città.
You went into my...
Sei andata in...
She went into town.
E' andata in citta'.
He went into hospital.
E' andato in ospedale.
She went into shock?
- E' andata in shock?
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