Translation for "was incapable" to italian
Was incapable
Translation examples
"and he was incapable of making an informed decision."
..le sue capacità mentali erano ridotte ed era incapace di fare una scelta.
He wet himself, he didn't know how to eat, he was incapable of human speech.
Si pisciava addosso, non sapeva come si mangia, era incapace di parlare.
'Despite these recent events, 'Philip was incapable of experiencing happiness.
Malgrado i recenti eventi, Philip era incapace di provare felicita'.
This man you're eager to pay homage to, he was incapable of admitting any point of view but his own.
L'uomo a cui siete venuti a dare l'ultimo saluto, era incapace di ammettere ogni opinione diversa dalla sua.
She was incapable of sinning.
Ella era incapace di commettere peccato.
What she was incapable of was writing.
Era incapace di scrivere.
Notably, she was incapable of producing offspring.
Nello specifico, che era incapace di procreare.
We were supposed to protect him, but he knew that I couldn't stand up to his mother, and he knew she was incapable of putting him first.
Avremmo dovuto... proteggerlo, ma lui sapeva che io... non potevo mettermi contro sua madre, e sapeva che lei era incapace di metterlo al primo posto nella sua vita.
But he was incapable of hearing any voice but his own.
Ma... era incapace di sentire qualsiasi altra voce che non fosse la sua.
Well, in my day, a lady was incapable of feeling physical attraction until she'd been instructed to do so by her mama.
Ai miei tempi, una vera signora era incapace di provare attrazione fisica fino a che non aveva ricevuto istruzioni in tal senso dalla propria madre.
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