Translation for "was guilty of" to italian
Was guilty of
Translation examples
He was guilty of being arrogant and brilliant and of being naïve.
Era colpevole di essere arrogante, brillante e ingenuo.
Raskolnikov was guilty of that crime, not unjustly accused.
Raskolnikov era colpevole di quel crimine, non era stato accusato ingiustamente.
Shultz was guilty of plenty we never caught him for.
Shultz era colpevole di tante altre cose, ma non avremmo mai potuto accusarlo.
That defendant was guilty of first degree sexiness.
Quell'imputata era colpevole di primo grado in sexitudine.
Hmm. But he was guilty of a lot of other crimes.
Ma era colpevole di molti altri crimini.
And anyone who took the bait was guilty of being a witch.
E chiunque abboccasse era colpevole di stregoneria.
So you're covering 'cause you know he was guilty of something?
Quindi lo sta coprendo perche' sa che lui era colpevole di qualcosa?
Abby Sciuto recovered photos that indicated your father was guilty of murder.
Abby Sciuto ha recuperato delle foto che indicano che suo padre era colpevole di omicidio.
She was guilty of a lot of things, but not the postal campaign.
Era colpevole di molte altre cose, ma non della storia delle cartoline.
- Fiske was guilty of corruption.
- Fiske era colpevole di corruzione...
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