Translation for "was creating" to italian
Translation examples
Did Kessler know he was creating a weapon?
Kessler sapeva che stava creando un'arma?
Dr. Nix was creating a whole new theory of personality evolvement.
Nix stava creando una nuova teoria sullo sviluppo della personalità.
By stimulating people's inner desires and then sating them with consumer products he was creating a new way to manage the irrational force of the masses.
Di stimolare I desideri interiori della gente e poi saziarli con prodotti di consumo Stava creando un nuovo modo di gestire le forze irrazionali delle masse.
So her body was creating antibodies to destroy the brain cells in her teratoma?
Il suo corpo stava creando anticorpi per distruggere le cellule cerebrali nel suo teratoma?
They bribed her with a meal, and chatted about her hobbies. The officer was creating a bond of trust.
L'agente stava creando un legame di fiducia con la sospettata.
Maria was creating an army?
Maria stava creando un esercito?
Steve Jobs, he was creating boxes to defraud the phone company.
Steve Jobs stava creando scatolette capaci di defrodare la compagnia telefonica.
As I understand it, he was creating a hazardous or physically offensive condition by an act which serves no purpose.
A quanto mi risulta, stava creando una condizione pericolosa o fisicamente offensiva del tutto inutilmente.
- The computer was creating a digitized ideographic vocabulary.
Il computer stava creando un dizionario di ideogrammi digitalizzato.
That there was this character, O.J., which he was creating.
Era come trovarsi di fronte a un personaggio, O.J., che lui stava creando.
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