Translation for "was confident" to italian
Translation examples
She said she was confident.
- Disse che era fiduciosa.
- My fence was confident.
- II mio ricettatore era fiducioso.
But Ichabod was confident he'd soon ride roughshod over these simple country bumpkins.
Ma Ichabod era fiducioso che avrebbe avuto la meglio su questi contadini sempliciotti.
The guy that took me hunting this afternoon was confident, secure, like everything was going his way.
Il tizio che mi ha portato a caccia nel pomeriggio era sicuro di se', come se tutto procedesse secondo i suoi piani.
She was confident and specific.
Era sicura di se' e precisa. E dominante.
He was confident He was getting his boat back.
Era sicuro che avrebbe riavuto indietro la sua barca.
She was confident you'd succeed today.
Era sicura che avresti avuto successo oggi.
Yes, Lynette was confident her by-the-book approach was the right one, sadly, not everyone was on the same page.
Si'... Lynette era sicura che il suo approccio "da manuale" fosse quello giusto.
Well, Robbie was confident but not like that.
Beh, Robbie era sicuro di sé, ma non in quel modo.
It was confident but not scary.
Era sicuro ma non spaventoso.
But Bree's attorney was confident...
Ma l'avvocato di Bree era sicuro di se'...
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