Translation for "was absurdity" to italian
Translation examples
Because you said it was absurd?
Perchè gli hai detto che era assurdo ? Sono caduto.
I told them it was absurd!
- Ho detto loro che era assurdo!
I mean, really, the whole thing was absurd.
Sul serio, tutta quella storia era assurda.
Suddenly I realised the way I was living was absurd - can't be half a recluse, who's ever heard of that?
D'improvviso, ho capito che il modo in cui vivevo era assurdo. Non posso essere una reclusa a metà.
The price was absurd.
Il prezzo era assurdo.
The idea of trying to cover this race is ... any conventional press sense was absurd. Hi!
Raccontare questo evento in modo tradizionale era assurdo.
Any attempt by the defense to suggest that Mr. Tolin had a financial motive to torch his own building was absurd.
Ogni tentativo della difesa di suggerire che il signor Tolin avesse un movente finanziario per dar fuoco al suo edificio era assurdo.
That was absurd. You...
Quello che ha fatto era assurdo.
It was absurd for them to believe the company story.
Era assurdo che credessero alla storia della Societa'.
The whole situation was absurd.
Tutta la situazione era assurda.
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