Translation for "unspoken" to italian
Translation examples
- That's why it's unspoken, dumbass.
Per questo è tacito, rimbambito!
It's an unspoken agreement.
E' un accordo tacito.
An unspoken bond that...
Un legame tacito che...
An unspoken agreement with Wade Kinsella?
Un tacito accordo con Wade Kinsella?
It's a covenant, unspoken and elemental.
E' un patto. Tacito e primario.
You've broken the unspoken agreement.
- No! Hai infranto il tacito accordo.
There's this unspoken rule.
Esiste un tacito accordo.
We have an unspoken bond.
Abbiamo un legame tacito.
We had an unspoken agreement.
- Avevamo un tacito accordo.
Tell her about our unspoken agreement.
Dille del nostro tacito accordo.
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