Translation for "uncompromising" to italian
Translation examples
- I had an uncompromising budget, sir.
- Avevo un budget intransigente.
Yes, you were cruel and uncompromising and lovely.
- Eri spietata, intransigente, ma adorabile.
I've always liked modern art. So uncompromising.
Mi e' sempre piaciuta l'arte moderna, cosi' intransigente.
She's an uncompromising chef.
E' una cuoca intransigente.
Uncompromising men are easier to admire.
E facile ammirare gli uomini intransigenti.
Poseidon is an uncompromising god.
- Poseidone e' un Dio intransigente.
My father has always been totally uncompromising.
Mio padre è stato sempre totalmente intransigente.
Totally uncompromising about freedom of speech.
Totalmente intransigente sulla liberta' di parola.
I just find something so sexy about an uncompromising artist.
Io trovo così sexy quel giovane architetto intransigente del film.
Porte miss was a little ... uncompromising.
Lady Door si è dimostrata un po' troppo... intransigente
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