Translation for "trimaran" to italian
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Translation examples
Don chose a trimaran.
Don scelse un trimarano.
Crowhurst's trimaran, "Teignmouth Electron,"
Il trimarano di Crowhurst, "Teignmouth Electron,"
By 5:00, Mr. Crowhurst's trimaran was being towed out a mile from the shore, and a cannon shot marked the official start of his race around the world.
Alle 5:00, il trimarano di Crowhurst fu rimorchiato a un miglio dalla costa, e un colpo di cannone sanci' l'avvio ufficiale della corsa intorno al mondo.
The 41-foot trimaran, "Teignmouth Electron,"
Il trimarano 41-piedi, "Teignmouth Electron,"
The pale blue weather-beaten trimaran, which was a certain winner of the race, was in good condition.
Il trimarano da competizione, che sarebbe stato il vincitore certo della gara, era in buone condizioni.
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