Translation for "they enjoy" to italian
Translation examples
They enjoy turning a little thing into something huge.
Si divertono a trasformare una sciocchezza in un problema enorme.
They enjoy bothering people.
Si divertono a dare noia.
They enjoy torture and dismemberment.
Si divertono a torturare e smembrare.
They enjoy watching the last half of Law and Order together.
Si divertono a vedere insieme l'ultima parte di "Law and Order".
They enjoy killing.
Si divertono a uccidere.
Do they enjoy being hostages?
Si divertono a fare gli ostaggi?
They enjoy telling me their stories
Si divertono a raccontarmi le loro storie.
Unfortunately they enjoy intrigue more than they do making money.
Purtroppo... si divertono piu' a fare intrighi... che a fare soldi.
They enjoy turning men into animals.
Si divertono a trasformare gli uomini in bestie.
Ach, fair played to them, if it's what they enjoy.
Buon per loro, se si divertono.
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