Translation for "theirs" to italian
Translation examples
Their operations, their spies, their tactics.
Le loro operazioni, le loro spie, le loro tattiche.
Their future. Their dignity. Their hope.
Il loro futuro, la loro dignita', la loro speranza.
Their trust, their fear, their pain, their confusion.
La loro fiducia, la loro paura, il loro dolore, la loro confusione...
Their memories, their knowledge, their personalities.
I loro ricordi, le loro conoscenze, la loro personalità.
Their faggishness, their solitude, their neuroses, their goofiness, their campiness, or, even their masculinity at times.
La loro frociaggine, la loro solitudine, la loro nevrosi... la loro cretinaggine! La loro... vagabondaggine, pertino la loro mascolinità.
Their women, their chairs, their money, their executives.
Le loro donne, le loro poltrone, i loro denari, i loro quadri.
Their thoughts, their answers, their participation.
I loro pensieri, le loro risposte, la loro partecipazione.
Their, uh, their Hell.
Il loro Inferno.
Their attitudes .. their acting.
I loro atteggiamenti ..
Their jewelry. Their clothes.
I loro gioielli.
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