Translation for "tachycardic" to italian
Translation examples
- Tachypneic and tachycardic.
- Ricevuto. - Tachipneica e tachicardica
We've made him tachycardic.
È diventato tachicardico.
Weak pulse, but tachycardic...
Battito debole, ma tachicardico.
He's tachycardic and hypertensive.
E' tachicardico e ipertensivo.
B.P. 80 systolic, tachycardic.
Pressione sistolica 80, tachicardico.
She's tachycardic and tachypneic.
E' tachicardica e tachipnoica.
She's unresponsive and tachycardic.
- È svenuta e tachicardica.
She's tachycardic, hypertensive.
E' tachicardica, ipertesa.
Hypotensive and tachycardic.
Ipoteso e tachicardico.
- Ohh! - Okay, he's febrile, tachycardic.
Ok, febbricitante, tachicardico.
Pale, diaphoretic, tachycardic,
Pallore, sudorazione profusa... tachicardia.
- [Meredith] She's getting tachycardic.
- Sta andando in tachicardia.
Patient's tachycardic.
- Il paziente ha la tachicardia.
-A little tachycardic?
- Lieve tachicardia. - Completamente d'accordo.
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