Translation for "superfluous" to italian
Translation examples
A superfluous document
Un documento superfluo
But even a superfluous man wants to go on being superfluous.
Ma anche un uomo superfluo vuole continuare a essere superfluo.
It's kind of superfluous, right?
È superfluo, no?
- The figure is superfluous.
- La cifra ê superflua.
They're superfluous and detrimental.
Sono superflue e dannose.
Avoid superfluous comments.
Risparmiami i tuoi commenti superflui.
Avoid superfluous explanations.
Mi risparmi le sue spiegazioni superflue.
You, however, are superfluous.
Tu, pero', sei superfluo.
Artificial, incidentally... Superfluous.
artificiale, secondario, superfluo.
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