Translation for "succinct" to italian
Translation examples
Measured, succinct, believable.
Misurato, succinto... Credibile.
I'll try to be more succinct.
- Cerchero' di essere piu' succinto.
You'll leave a note, something succinct.
Lascerai un biglietto, qualcosa di succinto.
Father refused to learn the art of the succinct telephone call.
Mio padre non vuole imparare l'arte delle telefonate succinte.
Succinct and simple.
Succinto e semplice.
You see, me, I am about simple, succinct pleasures.
Vedi, io, sono il tipo da semplice, piacere succinto.
Well, I wanted something succinct, but still, you know, to convey passion.
Beh, volevo qualcosa di succinto ma che trasmettesse anche passione.
Um... polite, succinct, fine. - Good.
Gentile, succinto, carino.
Let me make this as short and succinct as possible.
Saro' piu' breve e succinto possibile.
Does "succinct" mean what I think it means?
"Succinta" vuol dire quello che penso io?
You were really succinct.
E' stato molto conciso.
- It's succinct, it's punchy.
- E' conciso, e' incisivo.
A little more succinct. - Mm-hmm.
E' leggermente piu' conciso.
Not original, but succinct.
Non originale, ma concisa.
I hope your report is equally succinct.
Spero che anche il suo resoconto sia così conciso.
It is incredibly succinct.
E' incredibilmente conciso.
Very succinct, too.
E molto conciso.
- Feeling succinct today?
- Ti senti concisa oggi?
You have a style writing clear and succinct.
Hai uno stile chiaro e conciso.
Succinct, to the point, down to business.
Chiaro, conciso, arriva subito al punto.
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