Translation for "stick to" to italian
Stick to
Translation examples
And given the circumstances, it's probably best that we stick to it.
E date le circostanze, è... il caso di attenersi a quel piano.
- You just gonna wanna stick to the points.
- Deve attenersi a quelli. - Ok.
You want to stick to that story?
- Vuole attenersi a questa storia?
Sticking to principles like that is expensive.
Attenersi a questi princìpi è costoso
Even now, you stick to this absurd story.
L'altro. Anche adesso,continua ad attenersi a quella storia assurda.
- Okay, 'cause that's... She's got to stick to that regimen, and she's not always gonna want to, so you gotta...
- Ok perche' dovra' attenersi a quel regime ma non sempre vorra' farlo, quindi devi...
Mr. Wyatt, you must stick to "yes" and "no" answers, and the jury will disregard the characterization of the defendant as someone who wanted to hurt people.
Signor Wyatt, deve attenersi a un "Si' " o a un "No", e la giuria ignorera' la descrizione dell'imputato come qualcuno che voleva far male alle persone.
It helps to stick to a routine.
Attenersi a una routine aiuta.
Yes, as a matter of fact. You can get my dad to understand that when we make a deal, he has to stick to it.
Si', puoi far capire a mio padre che quando facciamo un accordo, deve attenersi a quello.
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