Translation for "speculative" to italian
Translation examples
It's speculative and prejudicial.
E' speculativo e pregiudizievole.
- The club shit is speculative.
- Il locale è solo speculativo.
I thought you were speculative non-fiction.
Credevo facessi saggistica speculativa.
Patty, what I'm reading is speculative.
Patty, quello che leggo e' speculativo.
It's very speculative.
E' parecchio speculativa.
It's not a speculative piece, Mom.
- Non e' un articolo speculativo, mamma.
- Absolutely. This time calls for speculation.
- Obiezione, stavolta è speculativa.
Those papers were merely speculative.
Quei saggi erano solamente speculativi.
But you're speculative non-fiction.
Ma tu fai saggistica speculativa.
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