Translation for "specifically designed" to italian
Translation examples
And this will be the new arena, specifically designed for chariot races.
E questa sarà la nuova arena, appositamente progettata per le corse con le bighe.
Each seed is specifically designed with you and your family in mind.
Ogni seme e' appositamente progettato... Pensando al tuo benessere e a quello della tua famiglia.
They may have aligned the pyramid itself and the tomb chamber, using the Sun, for the east-west orientation, where the descending passageway was specifically designed to get the spirit of the king to the imperishable ones, and that would have required a celestial alignment. So it makes sense from a spiritual point of view that they would have aligned the casings of the pyramid with the
Hanno probabilmente allineato la piramide e la camera tombale usando il Sole, per orientarle a est-ovest, dove il passaggio discendente e' stato appositamente progettato per portare lo spirito del re verso quelli eterni, e questo potrebbe aver richiesto un allineamento astronomico.
And the equipmonk was specifically designed to just tear Kevin apart, and specifically it's bobbum man...
Il paccotto fu specificamente progettato per fare Kevin a pezzi. - E per essere precisi, le Chiappe...
We took down Liam, didn't we? Yeah, but we've never had to face a beast that was specifically designed to be better than you.
- Si', ma non abbiamo mai affrontato una bestia specificamente progettata per essere migliore di te.
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