Translation for "spackle" to italian
Translation examples
(Andre sings to himself) Time to get some Spackle.
Ora prendiamo lo stucco.
Break a spackle?
In bocca allo stucco?
You needed Spackle?
- Ti serviva dello stucco?
There's spackle everywhere.
C'e' stucco ovunque.
Well, savor while you spackle.
Beh, assaporalo mentre stucchi.
Nothin' a little spackle can't fix.
Bastera' un po' di stucco.
I got you some Spackle.
Ti ho preso dello stucco.
[ Chuckles ] And some Spackle.
E dello stucco.
There's so much spackling tape!
C'è un sacco di stucco!
What do you want, some simulated spackling?
Ti serve del simul-stucco?
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