Translation for "sourpuss" to italian
Translation examples
Why such sourpuss?
Perche' quel musone?
What's your problem, sourpuss?
Cosa c'e' che non va, musona?
Why are you such a sourpuss?
Perche' sei cosi' musone?
You were always such a sourpuss!
Sei sempre stato tanto musone.
Now, hold on there, sourpuss.
Aspetta li', Musone.
Oh, cheer up, sourpuss.
Su col morale, musona.
We got to skedaddle, sourpuss.
Dobbiamo darcela a gambe, Musone.
I'm not being a sourpuss.
Non faccio il musone.
It's called sourpuss.
Si chiamano musoni.
Bill, don't be such a sourpuss.
Bill... non essere cosi' musone.
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