Translation for "souped" to italian
Translation examples
She drives around in a souped-up Mustang convertible.
Guída una Mustang cabrío tutta truccata.
I've souped her up a bit.
L'ho truccato un po'.
It had a loud engine, like it was really souped up.
Il motore faceva rumore, come se fosse truccato.
He stuck a souped-up carburetor in that Ford.
Mise un carburatore truccato in quella Ford.
Why would Alberto be souping up a competitor's Mustang?
Per quale motivo Alberto avrebbe truccato l'auto di un rivale?
- (gasps) Souped-up V8.
Motore 8 cilindri truccato.
It was a vintage car that he souped up.
Era una macchina vintage, truccata da lui.
The guy's in this 50s style souped-up rider.
Il ragazzo era su questa moto truccata stile anni '50.
He's got some... some... some souped-up diesel.
Ha un motore diesel truccato.
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