Translation for "shot in" to italian
Translation examples
shot in 3-D, which cost a buttload.
girato in 3D, un formato costosissimo.
After this man was shot in the street?
Dopo che questo uomo è stato girato in strada?
That promo wasn't shot in West Virginia.
Quella pubblicita' non e' stata girata in West Virginia.
It was shot in CinemaScope and printed in color by GTC Labs.
Girato in Cinemascope e sviluppato dai laboratori GTC.
Picture it, Sam, All shot in natural settings,
Immagina. Girato in posti naturali.
It was shot in secret by some of her followers.
E' stato girato in segreto da alcuni suoi seguaci.
You want us to tell you about the scenes shot in France?
Le dobbiamo raccontare le scene girate in Francia?
Was it shot in Canada?
E' stato girato in Canada?
My dad took me to a movie shot in South Africa.
Una volta ho visto un film girato in Sudafrica.
Well, it's shot in time-lapse
Dunque: è stato girato in time-lapse.
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