Translation for "shopkeeping" to italian
Translation examples
But punching shopkeepers isn't going to make a difference.
Ma picchiare i bottegai non cambierà le cose.
The Florentines are shopkeepers and clerks.
I fiorentini sono bottegai e scribacchini.
That's shopkeeper's mentality!
Da bottegaia! E anche te, caro Necchi.
You're not to say a word to that shopkeeper.
Non devi più rivolgere la parola a quel... bottegaio.
Napoleon called us a nation of shopkeepers.
Napoleone ci definì una nazione di bottegai.
The testimony of a shopkeeper neighbour confirms this.
La testimonianza di un vicino bottegaio Io conferma.
You're a shopkeeper, Pete.
Sei un bottegaio, Pete.
You don't owe that puny shopkeeper Huntington anything.
Non dovete niente a quel patetico bottegaio di Huntington.
Our Sanchos will be notaries priests, shopkeepers,
I nostri Sancho Panza saranno notai, preti, bottegai,
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