Translation examples
A woman who can hurl Shakespearian insults is a dangerous thing.
Una donna che sa lanciare insulti shakespeariani e' da temere.
It's Shakespearian, really.
E' shakespeariano, davvero.
The bronze particulates I found didn't come from the paint on the Shakespearian loony tunes.
Il particolato di bronzo che ho trovato non proviene dal cartone animato shakespeariano.
His mother was a Shakespearian actress.
- Sua madre era un'attrice shakespeariana.
This family uses the term "heir" as if we're in a Shakespearian play.
In questa famiglia il termine "erede" suona come in un dramma shakespeariano.
Well, Mr. Lamborne was very convincing in his Shakespearian portrayal of a devoted and happy marriage.
- Il signor Lamborne e' stato molto convincente con la sua... definizione shakespeariana di un matrimonio felice basato sulla fedelta'.
It's Shakespearian, it's Dickensian, it's Kardashian.
E' Shakespeariano, e' Dickensiano, e' Kardashiano.
' There's no way you can ever do a definitive Shakespearian role.
Non puoi fare un personaggio di Shakespeare in modo definitivo.
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