Translation for "sea cave" to italian
Translation examples
Maybe someone would like you to shut your sea cave.
Magari qualcuno vorrebbe che tu chiudessi la tua grotta marina.
These sea caves hide the banished and thieving.
Quelle grotte marine nascondono reietti e ladri.
Or a sea cave.
O una grotta marina.
This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.
Questo drago solitario abita le grotte marine.
Why'd you have to bring up sea caves?
Perche' hai tirato in ballo le grotte marine?
You know, Nolan, sea caves are symbolic of a strong sexual desire.
Sai Nolan, le grotte marine sono simbolo di un forte desiderio sessuale.
Two Americans were scuba diving in a sea cave when there was an underwater rock slide!
Due americani stavano facendo immersione in una grotta marina e una roccia sommersa e' franata!
As the tide turned for the pie maker, a turn of the tide allowed Emerson Cod and Olive Snook to turn their investigation toward a sea cave.
E mentre un cambio di marea minacciava il Creatore di Torte, una marea favorevole permise a Emerson Cod e Olive Snook di seguire la loro pista fino a una grotta marina.
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