Translation for "saddling" to italian
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Translation examples
- Go to saddle Darkie.
- Vai a sellare Darkie.
Can you saddle her?
La sai sellare?
I'll saddle the horses.
Vado a sellare i cavalli.
- Get your horse saddled.
- Vai a sellare il tuo cavallo...
She won't take a saddle.
Lei non si lascera' sellare.
Saddle the red bay.
Vai a sellare il baio rosso.
I'll have my horse saddled.
Faccio sellare il mio cavallo.
- Saddle the horses at once!
- Presto, fai sellare i cavalli!
I'm going to saddle Darkie.
Vado a sellare Darkie.
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