Translation for "robs me" to italian
Robs me
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Translation examples
Are you gonna rob me too?
Anche tu mi derubi?
You know, when someone robs me with my own fucking gun, they're not my friend.
Sai, non e' piu' mio amico quando mi deruba con la mia stessa pistola.
And usually it's cute, except when you're robbing me.
E di solito e' una cosa carina, tranne quando mi derubi.
Our house, our lifestyle... that all came from Bobby's dad because mine robbed me blind.
Casa nostra, il nostro stile di vita, derivava tutto dal padre di Bobby perche' il mio mi derubo'.
Why are you robbing me?
Perche' mi derubi?
And I will not stand by like an inky little slacker... and watch you rob me of it and for what?
E non restero' come un fannullone impataccato ... e lasciare che lei mi derubi di cosa e per che cosa?
You rob me also?
Mi derubi pure?
You were going to cut my hands off and she robbed me!
Tu mi avresti tagliato le mani e lei mi deruba!
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