Translation for "respired" to italian
Translation examples
My respiration and inspiration.
"Il mio respirare ed inspirare."
Drink up and don't respire!
Bevi e non respirare!
His respirations will stop.
Smettera' di respirare.
She requires a respirator in order to breathe.
Ha bisogno di un respiratore, per poter... respirare.
You have to slow your respiration. Breathe easy.
Deví respírare lentamente.
Respiration became increasingly difficult...
Respirare diventa sempre piu' difficile.
Respiration is struggling.
Fa fatica a respirare.
I'll need to take your respirator now. You will have to go underwater...
Dovrai rimanere sott'acqua... e respirare con questo.
If it was raised to 20, her respiration will eventually stop.
Se venisse alzato a 20... alla fine cesserebbe di respirare.
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