Translation for "polygamist" to italian
Translation examples
Bill, we're not even polygamists anymore.
- Bill. Non siamo nemmeno piu' poligami.
And a 92-year-old polygamist.
E un novantaduenne poligamo.
- You're a polygamist. - John. What?
Tu sei poligamo!
That's, uh, derogatory for "polygamist." Right.
- E' un termine offensivo per "poligamo".
Colburn knows there's polygamists here.
Colburn sa che ci sono dei poligami qui.
I think you mean polygamist.
Penso che intendiate "Poligami".
My husband is a polygamist
Mio marito e' poligamo.
We're reverse-gender polygamists.
- Siamo poligami a sessi inversi.
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