Translation for "polyester" to italian
Translation examples
Right. It's polyester.
Esatto, e' poliestere.
Cotton Polyester is it?
Cotone/Poliestere vero?
Specific material: polyester.
Il materiale e' poliestere.
Is it pure polyester?
Era puro poliestere?
I'm wearing polyester!
Ho addosso del poliestere!
The fabric is polyester-- polyester taffeta.
E' fatta di poliestere... poliestere e taffeta'.
Polyester Molester... Marry me!
Molestatore in poliestere...
With polyester uniforms?
- Con uniformi in poliestere?
Polyester from the car,
Poliestere nella macchina.
What is this, polyester?
Che cos'è, poliestere?
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