Translation for "plebeian" to italian
Translation examples
Oh, yeah? All of us plebeians, huh?
Già, tutti noi plebei... eh?
- Can't you you tell a nobleman from a plebeian?
- Non distingui un nobile da un plebeo?
Look at her, what a pluperfect plebeian.
Guardala, che "bela plebea".
Yes, I'm well aware of the plebeian opinion.
Si', so bene come la pensano i plebei.
Becoming adopted by an obscene plebeian.
Facendosi adottare da un osceno plebeo.
The plebeians, the average Joes, they hate it.
I plebei, la gente comune, li odia.
Is she very plebeian?
È molto plebea?
You cocksuckers, plebeians and moral cowards!
Succhiacazzi, plebei e codardi.
Trousers with a crease were considered plebeian.
Pantaloni con una piega erano considerati plebei.
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