Translation for "platoon was" to italian
Translation examples
You know, when I was in, uh, Vietnam and I was just a few weeks into my tour, Uh, my platoon was out on patrol at night and we ran into an ambush.
Sai, quando ero in Vietnam... ed ero in missione solo da poche settimane, il mio plotone era di pattuglia di notte e ci tesero un'imboscata.
Our platoon was stuck in a trench outside of New Kashmir during the winter campaign
Il nostro plotone era bloccato in una trincea vicino a New Kasmir, durante la Campagna d'Inverno.
Our platoon was stationed outside Balad... minesweeping, peacekeeping... but half the time we spent trying to undo the damage those cowboys did.
Il nostro plotone era stanziato fuori Balad. Disinnesco mine, prevenzione scontri... Ma meta' del tempo lo passammo cercando di rimediare ai danni creati da quei cowboy.
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