Translation for "photoshopped" to italian
Translation examples
Did you Photoshop that smile?
- Hai photoshoppato quel sorriso?
Oh, this one's clearly photoshopped.
Questa e' palesemente photoshoppata.
It's all Photoshopped anyway.
Comunque è tutto photoshoppato.
- What? No, I photoshopped those.
No, le ho photoshoppate.
You could have photoshopped these pictures...
Potresti averle photoshoppate.
Darryl, please... photoshopped?
- Darryl, ti prego... - Photoshoppata?
Looked photoshopped to me.
- A me sembrava photoshoppata.
- It's all photoshopped.
- Cosa? E'... - E' tutta photoshoppata.
That doesn't look photoshopped.
- Ferma, questa non e' photoshoppata.
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