Translation for "phloxes" to italian
Translation examples
Phlox has already given me a neural suppressant. I don't mean Phlox.
Phlox mi ha gia' dato degli inibitori neurali non intendo Phlox
- Phlox to T'Pol. - Go ahead.
Phlox a T'Pol vada avanti
Phlox, you need to leave.
Phlox, devi andartene.
Archer to Doctor Phlox.
Archer a Dr. Phlox
You have to speak with Phlox.
Devi parlare con Phlox.
Phlox to T'Pol!
Phlox a T'Pol
Tucker to Doctor Phlox.
Tucker a Dottor Phlox!
It's Dr. Phlox.
sono il dr. Phlox
Phlox isn't here.
Phlox non e' qui.
Do you know Karen Phlox?
Conosci Karen Phlox?
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