Translation for "participles" to italian
Translation examples
You used the past participle without a modifier.
Hai usato il participio passato invece del gerundio.
It's French, from the present participle "foudroyer."
E' francese, participio presente del verbo "accecare."
- dangling participle still burned in my eyes.
- participio dondolante e' ancora impressa negli occhi.
Oh, and as English Achievement Award winner, you'll undangle any stray participles?
Oh, e in quanto vincitrice del Premio d'inglese, normalizzerai - ogni participio irregolare?
Watch it there, Connie. You've got a dangling participle.
Attento, Connie, al participio sospeso.
What is the participle?
Qual è il participio?
A, uh, dangling participle, and, uh, right here... is a, uh, split infinitive.
Un participio traballante... e qui... un infinito non proprio corretto.
- Don't dangle your participles.
- Non mollate i vostri participi.
- or something? - Did you dangle a participle?
Hai lasciato in sospeso un participio?
I know what an integer is. I know what a participle is.
So cos'e' un participio.
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