Translation for "own weapons" to italian
Translation examples
Wasn't it you that said that bad guys always bring their own weapons?
Non hai detto tu che i cattivi usano sempre le proprie armi?
With I.V. tubing. A regular thief would have come in with his own weapons.
Un ladro professionista si sarebbe portato le proprie armi.
Oh, no, Charlie. One out of four shooting victims gets shot by their own weapon.
No, Charlie, 1 su 4 vittime di sparatorie resta ferita a causa delle proprie armi.
Castle, bad guys breaking into houses bring their own weapons, dogs bark at strangers, and over one-third of domestic female homicide victims are murdered by their husbands.
Castle, i malviventi che si introducono in una casa sono armati con armi proprie, i cani abbaiano agli estranei, e piu' di un terzo delle donne uccise in casa vengono uccise dai propri mariti.
Exchange value could take form only as the agent of use value, but its victory by means of its own weapons... has created the conditions of its autonomous domination.
Il valore di scambio ha potuto formarsi solo come agente del valore d'uso, ma la sua vittoria con armi proprie ha creato le condizioni del suo dominio autonomo.
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