Translation for "others" to italian
Translation examples
You try to solve the problems of others, Aisha.
~Proviarisolvereiproblemi altrui, Aisha. ~
protecting other people's money.
proteggere il denaro altrui.
Eating other people's houses?
Mangiare la casa altrui?
Sure. Other people's tragedies.
Certo, tragedie altrui.
- Accepting each other's faults.
- Accettare le colpe altrui.
I prey on others' prostitution.
Sfrutto la prostituzione altrui.
"..when she greets others."
"..quand'ella altrui saluta."
- Only in defence of others.
- Solo per difesa altrui.
Being dubious about other people's morals.
Dubitare della morale altrui.
We will learn from others' mistakes...
Impareremo dagli errori altrui...
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