Translation for "on heat" to italian
Translation examples
Your relationship is built on heat.
Eri in calore.
Goddamn dogs on heat.
Dannati cani in calore.
- Head girl on heat alert.
- Allarme capoclasse in calore.
It could tell you were on heat.
- Perché sei in calore. - Germaine!
It's a female, I think she's on heat.
E' femmina, credo sia in calore.
-She's on heat, bitch.
- E' in calore, la puttana.
You're on heat.
Sei in calore.
Is she still on heat?
E' ancora in calore"?
You are like a dog on heat.
Sei come un cane in calore.
- Faithless and on heat.
E tutte le altre, infedeli e in calore.
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