Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Despite Odile's pleadings, he did a U-turn and the car obediently retraced its route.
Nonostante le suppliche di Odile, girò la Simca che ripercorse docilmente l'autostrada in direzione opposta.
We'll give her back intact, smiling, accepting everything obediently.
Te la renderemo intatta, sorridente, che accetta tutto docilmente.
Because if you were an Afghan and wanted to kill a rival, all you had to do was go to the British and tell them that he was a Taliban and the British would obediently wipe him out.
Perche' se eri un afgano e volevi uccidere un rivale, dovevi solo recarti dagli inglesi e dirgli che era un Talebano, e gli inglesi l'avrebbero docilmente fatto fuori.
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