Translation for "new-born" to italian
Translation examples
He reincarnated in that new-born child then...
Si è reincarnato in quel bambino appena nato allora...
A new-born lamb.
Un agnello appena nato.
It's like you were a new born. You're nuts!
E' come se tu fossi appena nato.
Hello, my new born son.
Ciao, mio figlio appena nato.
Johan was a new-born.
Johan era appena nato.
He's a new-born!
È appena nato.
- Looks like a new-born baby.
- Sembra un bambino appena nato.
There was one the size of a baby, and not a new-born one neither.
Uno era grosso come un bambino, ma non uno appena nato.
Even as a new-born baby I longed for you and your love.
Come un bambino appena nato, ho desiderato te ed il tuo amore.
So, one will be to nourish a new-born young and the other's to nourish a young that's almost ready to wean.
Quindi, uno per sfamare il cucciolo appena nato e l'altro per sfamare un piccolo quasi pronto allo svezzamento.
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