Translation for "mukhtars" to italian
Translation examples
Hey, Mukhtar. Aisha, come!
Mukhtar, Aisha, venite!
It belongs to Amadu Mukhtar.
Appartiene ad Amadu Mukhtar.
Mukhtar. "Po-tay-to," you say "po-tah-to."
Mukhtar. Patata, tu dici patata.
After Mukhtar was captured, what did Abu Ahmed do?
Dopo che Mukhtar fu catturato, cosa fece Abu Ahmed?
Moussa Al-Mukhtar is a Libyan mechanic from the HS stronghold of Ajdabiya who claims that he was conscripted to fix their vehicles.
Moussa Al-Mukhtar e' un meccanico libico, della roccaforte dell'Hizb Al-Shahid ad Agedabia, che afferma di essere stato reclutato per sistemare i loro veicoli.
His name is mukhtar baylor.
Il suo nome e' Mukhtar Baylor. Molto cattivo.
I say "fucking K.S.M.," you say "Mukhtar," okay?
Io dico KSM, tu dici Mukhtar.
And here live Mukhtar Sakanov, town mechanic and abortionist.
E qui alita Mukhtar Sakanov aggiusta machine e sgonfia donne gravide!
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