Translation for "lulled" to italian
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Okay, so I'm lulled.
Ok, allora mi sono fatto cullare.
I blame myself for getting lulled into the domestic routine.
Incolpo me stesso per essermi fatto cullare dalla routine domestica.
You know, people lull themselves into a sense of security. They've no idea what's going on out there. Security.
La gente, la' fuori, si lascia cullare, senza sapere cosa succede in realta'.
"They are what you make of them, "don't be lulled into a mediocrity like everyone else.
"Sono solo cio' che voi ne fate, non lasciatevi cullare nella mediocrita',
Yeah, she likes to lull the other team into a false sense of security.
Si', le piace cullare l'altra squadra, in un falso senso di sicurezza.
I even offered that Rebecca was unbalanced in an effort to attempt to lull him into confession, but to no avail.
Ho persino proposto che Rebecca si sbilanciasse nel tentativo di farlo calmare e poi confessare, ma e' stato tutto inutile.
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