Translation for "kers" to italian
Translation examples
Haha! Jake! "Ker-ploop."
Jake! "Ker-ploop."
Justin Ker-Prank is gonna jump up from behind one of these plants, any minute now!
Justin Ker-Prank sta per saltare da dietro una di quelle piante, da un momento all'altro!
Ker, I'd like you to meet Chirk.
Ker, ti presento Chirk.
Ker', I'm home!
Ker, sono a casa!
Maybe you were absent the day they taught economics at the academy, Ker.
Forse lei era assente durante le lezioni di economia, Ker.
Maybe we're getting Ker-Pranked!
Forse stiamo venendo Ker-Pranked!
And Too-ker?
E Too-ker?
-My executive assistant, Ker. -Thank you.
- Il mio valido assistente, Ker.
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