Translation for "just-born" to italian
Translation examples
Well, again, you were just born.
Ripeto, eri appena nato.
Don't be sacrilegious. The Son of God was just born, for cripes sake!
Ma zio cantante, non essere sacrilega, e' appena nato il figlio di Dio!
And I guess that was me because I was just born and they needed a baby.
E quel qualcuno ero io perché ero appena nato e a loro serviva un bebè.
At the time of the events of '79, I too had been just born, but it was a provocation all round.
(All'epoca dei fatti del '79, anch'io ero appena nato ma fu tutta una provocazione.
I see that baby over there and I can't help but think about Augustus when he was just born,
Ho visto quel bambino e non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare ad Augustus appena nato.
When Robin was just born, I was, ah, heating his milk on the stove and... very tired, you see.
Quando Robin era appena nato... stavo... riscaldando il latte sul fornello e... ero molto stanca, capite.
♪ I was just born
# Ero appena nato #
Feels like you're just born or just dead.
Hai la sensazione come di essere appena nato o appena morto.
You need to hold a little mouse that was just born... a tiny, little baby mouse.
Devi stringere un piccolo topolino appena nato. Un piccolo, minuscolo topolino.
# As a thought? just born 783 00:48:46,750 -- 00:48:50,040 # He goes down and down?
# Di un pensiero che è appena nato
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