Translation for "isoflurane" to italian
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Got away with one carton of isoflurane.
Hanno rubato un cartone di isoflurano.
Isoflurane can bring a pretty penny on the black market.
L'isoflurano puo' fruttare un bel gruzzolo al mercato nero.
O-Okay, Chris, just check out that other isoflurane robbery.
Ok, Chris, controlla se hanno rubato altro isoflurano.
My competitor, First Charity Medical Supply, got robbed of three boxes of isoflurane just last night.
La mia rivale, la First Charity Medical Supply, e' stata derubata di 3 scatole di isoflurano ieri sera.
With the filter on, it keeps the isoflurane out.
Con il filtro attaccato, tiene fuori l'isoflurano.
Followed up on that second isoflurane robbery.
Ho approfondito la storia del furto di isoflurano.
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