Translation for "irrigated" to italian
Translation examples
I irrigated her ulcers.
Ho irrigato le sue ulcere.
It was not irrigated.
Non era irrigato.
You already irrigated the urethra and the vessels?
Hai gia' irrigato l'uretra e i vasi sanguigni?
You debrided, irrigated, and cleaned all these burns?
Hai sbrigliato, irrigato e pulito tutte queste bruciature?
My land gets irrigated first.
La mia terra verrà irrigata per prima.
All right. Irrigation, please.
Irrigate, per favore.
In California, irrigated fields have reverted to deserts.
In California, campi irrigati si sono trasformati in deserti.
Irrigated before closing?
Irrigato prima di chiudere?
- Is that pump that irrigates fields?
- I campi vengono irrigati con questa pompa?
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